
Plant based recipes and low waste living ideas…. 

I’d love to inspire you to eat more plants and along the way create a little less waste in your kitchen and life.

There are lots of simple things you can do to achieve both of these things….

The kitchen is such a magical place, it conjures up feelings of comfort, warmth and contentment, its often the place that people gather in the most. Its really the centre of our lives.

And it’s the place where we can make a difference to our daily lives for the better through the food choices we make.

The kitchen is also the perfect place to start reducing our waste, with small steps, compassion and creativity, I believe we can make a big impact to ourselves, and our beautiful home. Planet earth…

All of this is inspired by my beautiful late mother Julie Kay Metcalfe, affectionately known as ‘Jules’. She tried very hard to live like this and instilled in us from a young age how to tread lightly on our planet and appreciate all the gifts that nature provides.

Her kitchen was a very special place, filled with warmth, ritual, generosity and a real sense of comfort, and a place that will live on forever in my memories.

She passed away from bowel cancer in December 2019 and although it’s just an idea right now, I’d love to eventually be able to donate to bowel cancer research to help others who are fighting this battle.

A little about me….

My name is Alli Metcalfe, and I live in North West Victoria in Australia with my husband and little girl.

I’m passionate about helping the environment and doing all that we can as individuals to make a difference in some small way.

Change definitely starts with ourselves and then the next best place after our families is our homes and how we live and consume.

Professionally I’m a qualified Naturopath/Nutritionist, you will find some nutrition tips and info in my recipes for extra inspiration and maybe the occasional health and wellness related post.

Thanks for stopping by, if you’d like to hear more from me please feel free to sign up to my newsletter (coming soon) or say hi over on instagram.