Easy Pickled Radishes…So yum!

These pickled radishes are great as a side to numerous dishes, and are perfect for using up radishes that may have softened in the bottom of the fridge..Eat as a side to tacos, veggie burgers, Mexican beans, atop avocado on toast, anything that needs a little tang.

Radishes are also really great for us in a number of ways.

Some of these benefits include;

~Radishes are excellent for the liver and gallbladder, and help to stimulate the flow of bile(1).

~Radishes and the leaves are a great source of Vitamin C(2).

~Other key nutrients include; iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, Vitamin A and E and folate(2).

~Phytochemicals or plant compounds include; glucosinolates and indoles which are anticancer compounds of the cruciferous family, with which radishes belong. Also anthocyanidins and beta-carotene(2).

Radishes are great to snack on, add to salad, add to a veggie platter with hummus and are excellent to pickle!

This recipe is super easy and I love how the radish turns a beautiful pink shade, the downside is that they become rather pongy, which comes down to the sulphur based compounds they contain..

Keep the lid tight on the jar, I even open the jar outside to save the smell wafting through the house..and luckily the taste is nothing like the smell!

Low waste tips for the recipe;

~Choose radishes that are free from packaging, the red globe ones usually come in a bunch, you can compost the leaves.

~Daikon or Japanese radish can usually be found in your local fruit and vegetable shop, if you can’t find, omit from the recipe and increase the amount of regular or red globe radishes.

~Purchase Apple cider vinegar and Rice syrup in glass to reduce plastic.


Easy Pickled Radishes

Tangy and delicious pickles to brighten up any dish


  • 1/4 cup Daikon Radish Thinly sliced
  • 3 Red radishes Thinly sliced
  • 1/3 cup Apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp Rice syrup
  • 1 tbsp Ginger root thinly slice (optional)
  • 1 tsp Sea salt


  • Wash and top and tail the red radishes, thinly slice
  • Peel Daikon radish and then thinly slice, measure to 1/4 cup, thinly slice ginger root if using.
  • In a bowl combine the apple cider vinegar, rice syrup and salt
  • Add the sliced radishes and ginger and mix till coated in vinegar mixture
  • Let sit for 30 minutes and stir again
  • Place everything into a small glass jar with a secure lid. Leave to pickle overnight in the fridge for a beautiful pink hue. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days.
  • Serve on the side of your favourite dishes


If you cannot find daikon radish feel free to use regular radishes instead. 
Beware of the pong!
Make sure to secure the lid tightly on the jar or you may risk stinking out your fridge and kitchen and house!

Disclaimer; The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or influence any medical decisions.


  1. M.Murray & J. Pizzorno ‘The Encyclopaedia of Healing Foods, The most comprehensive, user friendly A-Z guide available on the Nutritional benefits and medicinal properties of food’, 2005, pp226-228.
  2. P. A. Balch ‘Prescription for Dietary Wellness‘, 2nd ed. 2003, p81.